Active Beta Readers
There are 71 members who have marked that they are currently accepting new stories.

Before contacting a beta or working with an author, please read our tips for beta readers and authors.

*Nine Lives does not screen beta readers. All information below is supplied directly by members and simply hosted by Nine Lives. Using a beta reader from this list does not guarantee that your story or chapter will be validated.*

Ratings I'll beta: •G  •PG  •PG-13  •R  •NC-17  •Adult Only
I can help with: •Grammar 
Turnaround for an average length chapter: 4-7 days
Beta experience: I don´t have much experience so far but I majored in English and always strive toward "grammatical perfection". Try me! :)
Story types/topics I will not beta:
Additional Comments:
Ratings I'll beta: •G 
I can help with: •American-isms  •Canon Elements  •Grammar  •Punctuation 
Turnaround for an average length chapter: 4-7 days
Beta experience:
Story types/topics I will not beta: RPF; rape/dub-con
Additional Comments: Professional writing fixer. Will beta all ratings for Caryl only.
Ratings I'll beta: •G 
I can help with: •American-isms  •Canon Elements 
Turnaround for an average length chapter: 4-7 days
Beta experience:
Story types/topics I will not beta:
Additional Comments:
Ratings I'll beta: •G  •PG  •PG-13  •R  •NC-17  •Adult Only
I can help with: •American-isms  •Canon Elements  •Grammar  •Plot Suggestions  •Punctuation 
Turnaround for an average length chapter: 4-7 days
Beta experience: I've never done it for fanfiction, but writing has always been on of my strongs suits.  Thought I would give it a try and see how it goes.
Story types/topics I will not beta: bestiality, pedophilia
Additional Comments: I have a tendency to be verrrrry nit-picky when it comes to reading other people's works (at least, whenever I had to read and offer suggestions for editing/revising other people's essays).  Just thought people should know that if they consider sending me stuff to read/edit/revise/etc.
Ratings I'll beta: •G  •PG  •PG-13  •R  •NC-17 
I can help with: •Canon Elements  •Grammar  •Plot Suggestions  •Punctuation 
Turnaround for an average length chapter: 1-3 days
Beta experience: I've yet to beta any Walking Dead stories so far, but I've beta read numerous other stories for Doctor Who and BBC Sherlock over on I like to think I'm good at writing in a character's Voice, if you know what I mean, and I have a knack for characterization and pointing out if a character is too OOC. I'm still a little new to Caryl fanfiction when it comes to writing it myself, but I think I've read more than enough of other people's works to know what to look for.
Story types/topics I will not beta: Meh, my usual restrictions don't really apply to the fics submitted on the site. I suppose if I have a real problem I'll tell you before we get too far into the beta reading process, but I doubt that will be necessary. I'm not very picky!
[edit] Apparently McReedus is a thing on here too. I'd rather not beta read for fics about the personal lives of real people, but other than that I don't think there should be any problems.
Additional Comments:
Ratings I'll beta: •G 
I can help with: •Canon Elements  •Grammar  •Plot Suggestions  •Punctuation 
Turnaround for an average length chapter: 1-3 days
Beta experience:
Story types/topics I will not beta: no smut please thanks
Additional Comments: I'm in York University's English program, and I've practiced editing and proofreading with a professional editor all my life.
Ratings I'll beta: •G 
I can help with: •Canon Elements  •Plot Suggestions 
Turnaround for an average length chapter: 4-7 days
Beta experience:
Story types/topics I will not beta:
Additional Comments:
Ratings I'll beta: •Adult Only
I can help with: •Grammar 
Turnaround for an average length chapter: 1-2 weeks
Beta experience:
Story types/topics I will not beta:
Additional Comments:
Ratings I'll beta: •PG-13  •R  •NC-17  •Adult Only
I can help with: •Canon Elements  •Grammar  •Plot Suggestions 
Turnaround for an average length chapter: 1-3 days
Beta experience:
Story types/topics I will not beta:
Additional Comments: