OMG IT'S FINALLY REAL: The First Kiss Challenge

I've read it happening so many different ways.
So have you.

I've written it before.
You may have too.

It has to be one of the most cherished headcanons of a Caryler: when and how they will kiss for the first time. 

Now we've dedicated an entire challenge to more speculation on that most desired of moments: When Carol and Daryl finally LOCK LIPS.

You know when it happens in canon, Caryl shippers all over the globe will shatter glass with the sound of our screaming.

But, until then - we give you Nine Lives' FIRST KISS challenge.

(This is the first time we've had fan videos submitted and I'm so excited I have to list them first. LET THE WILD RUMPUS START!!)






--subversivegrrl, ikkleosu on June 26, 2016 8:28am 0 Comments