AU Promp-A-Thon

Happy “All About AU” month, everyone! Can you believe we’re halfway through the hiatus already? Season 6 will be here before we know it! The response this month for our AU theme has been huge, so thank you to everyone that has participated so far! To continue with our theme for July, we decided to present the next challenge in our 2nd annual Summer Survival Series. It’s an AU Prompt-A-Thon, y’all!

THE CHALLENGE: Write your very own Caryl-AU story based on one of the prompts listed below (No McReedus this time “ sorry, folks!)

THE DEADLINE: Submissions are due by midnight PST on July 30! Posting day is July 31.

THE RULES: Our oldies should know the routine by now, but for our wonderful newbies, here’s how this works:

  • Send a PM to Fairies MasqueradeIkkleosu or subversivegrrl stating that you’re going to enter the challenge. This is very important! If we do not get a PM, you won’t be on the list.
  • Write your fic!
  • You can submit multiple entries “ as many as you like, but each must be based off a different prompt provided
  • Each story submitted must be a minimum of 100 words
  • DO NOT UPLOAD IT YET! Wait until July 30 to upload your fic “ just like in challenges past, we will be suspending automatic validation for that day for all authors who enter the challenge.
  • Submission Day is July 30 “ post your story. It will not appear on the archive, but will enter our validation queue. Make sure you submit it under the Nine Lives Challenge category!
  • Posting Day is July 31 “ We will post the master list and all of the challenges entries so everything shows up at once. That way, we’re all surprised by what we get to read! Any challenge fics posted before July 30 will be deleted.

THE PROMPT LIST: I have to say, there was much hilarity between the admins as we combed through dozens and dozens of prompt ideas for this. In the end, we tried to go with AU ideas that we haven’t seen put forward as often within the Caryl fandom. Some are silly, some are way out of the box, but all should be loads of fun to write and read! Here is what you have to pick from for this challenge:

  • “We both tried to rob a bank at the same time”
  • “That one jerk customer who always comes in 5 minutes before the store is about to close”
  • “Person A’s band plays a gig and Person B is drunk as hell dancing in front of the stage”
  • “Person A calling Person B while having a breakdown and Person B running as fast as they can to comfort Person A”
  • “Person A works at an aquarium, Person B is a regular visitor.”
  • “Person A is a prince/ess, Person B is a servant. They weren’t supposed to fall in love but it happened anyway.”
  • “Person A knows nothing about camping and comes across Person B while freaking out because they think they heard a bear”
  • “Caryl in the Old West”
  • “A mutual drunk friend called both Person A & B to come pick them up from a party. Awkwardness ensues.”
  • “Person A slapped Person B’s ass thinking it was their friend but realizing Person B is a stranger”
  • “Person A stole Person B’s car without realizing Person B was asleep in the back”
  • “Both woke up in the middle of nowhere together with no memory of who they are or why they’re there.  From ID cards/licenses, they figure out their names but that’s it. They have to work together to remember what happened and get back to civilization.”

Who is Person A and Person B for each prompt? Well, that’s entirely up to you! We’ve given you 12 possible starting points. You have 2 weeks. What are you still reading this for? GET WRITING ALREADY! 


As always, PM an admin or comment here if you have any questions.

Happy writing and Caryl on!

--Fairies Masquerade on July 20, 2015 1:45pm 6 Comments

oh oh oh! I have a question!! *waives hand frantically*...

can we combine prompts into one story? or is it just one submission per prompt?

- sweettooth7 on July 20, 2015 4:22pm

Hey, it's your story - if you can merge prompts into one, I say go for it!

- subversivegrrl on July 20, 2015 5:26pm



- sweettooth7 on July 20, 2015 8:53pm

And your idea has inspired me to do the same. So thanks! (I think. I may totally regret this.)

- subversivegrrl on July 24, 2015 11:42am

ooooh, this makes me regrets, girl!! ; )

- sweettooth7 on July 24, 2015 1:46pm

I'm having trouble ending my story. It wants to just keep going. Is there a rule about it being completely finished wehn we submit it, or can I just submit the chapters I have? Either way, I'm gonna have it done. But Each time I end it, I think of something else really good I want to go with.

- mamatito40 on July 29, 2015 1:26pm