We are very pleased to announce the total amount raised in our first Nine Lives fundraiser is $1,258.07!!
We’re going to give thanks and wax sentimental shortly, but before we do, we have a few announcements to make.
Winner of the Norman Reedus Autograph Lotto
Once donations closed, we assigned a number to each donation. We then used a random number generator (thanks random.org) to pull our winner. Congratulations to the new owner of our one of a kind Daryl Dixon photo autographed by Norman Reedus himself…
Your shiny new autograph is headed your way. Woot woot!
Graphics Auction Winners
Our graphic auction was a rousing success. We wanted to thank our spectacular artists for donating their time and talents to our cause. And now, without further ado (haha got it right this time, Subs! -- FM), here are our list of winners for our Fan Artist Graphics Auction:
Artist Winner
Alannastara jaibhagwan
caryllover annie319
DarylRocks untapdtreasure
Dixonscarol geektaire
untapdtreasure jaibhagwan
Ikkleosu chicakdee282
Winners and artists will be sent a PM with details on providing and receiving their graphics. If you have any questions, PM an admin.
And now, it’s time for that sentimentality we warned you about:
Our most profound thanks to those who donated. Truly, there is no donation too small. Every cent raised will help us moving forward. We cannot thank you enough for all the support shown towards Nine Lives in recent weeks, financial and otherwise. Many of you sent messages showing your support for Nine Lives even though you couldn’t donate financially during our fundraiser. Those words, that support, mean just as much to us behind the scenes.
Though the fundraiser is over, many express a wish to be able to donate when they have the means to do so. By popular request, we are leaving the Donate button up on the site.
Nine Lives is, most of the time for us, a job. One that we volunteered for willingly, even as some days it threatens to drown us. It’s an outlet of creativity, a playground for our fandom, a home. It’s also expensive, time consuming and exhausting. To see our community come together for us, for the Archive, reminds us why we all agreed to do this and what we’re working for. You’re trusting us with the fruits of your creativity, and that isn’t a charge we take lightly. Thank you for being with us, for trusting us, for taking Nine Lives into yourselves and making it your home. When this fandom pulls together in positive ways, amazing things happen. We are capable to great works that make real differences in people’s lives, and this place is proof of that.
Go forward. Write. Read. Review. Chat. Laugh. Love. And as always, Caryl on.
Much Love from YOUR Fangirls,
Fairies Masquerade, Ikkleosu and subversivegrrl
--FM, Ikkles and Subs on November 16, 2016 10:13pm 0 Comments