POLL - NINE LIVES CHALLENGES: what do *you* want?

As you may have noticed, Nine Lives has experienced a fairly steady drop-off in challenge participation over the past year, to the point where the August challenge had no stories submitted.

Totally understandable, given the current state of the fandom and our OTP, but we need to know if enough interest is out there for us to continue organizing them for you.

These questions are primarily posed to authors, since their participation is vital to the challenge process, but readers are welcome to respond as well. (Responses are anonymous, BTW.)

Assuming the interest is still there, we'll be coming back to you for some specific feedback on challenge content.

DEADLINE: 11:59 PM Pacific Time (click on the Time Zone Converter in the Events box to check your local time) this coming Sunday, September 2, 2018.

Click on the link below to access the poll. Some of the questions allow only a single answer; some we're looking for as many answers as you want to give; one is wide open to your tumultuous feelings.

We're grateful for your input! Results will be shared once we've compiled them.

--subversivegrrl, alannastara, ikkleosu on August 29, 2018 12:30pm 3 Comments

Hi, I would love to read a McReedus Story where Reedus is a little bit more mature and adult with his actions.

- MayP on September 02, 2018 8:37am

May, you should put that in the "Prompts" section (up in the links in the header.)

- subversivegrrl on September 05, 2018 1:03pm

May, look up Sienna27’s ‘The We you don’t see” its McReedus” her Norman is Mature in his actions. Its a wonderful story. 

- LovesDarylDixon on September 08, 2018 12:58am