Ratings Changes

Hi everyone! Subversivegrrl, Ikkleosu and I have ben very busy fine tuning things behind the scenes of Nine Lives. While we have some seriously fun things headed your way (just wait for Saturday - it's gonna be awesome!), we have a major housekeeping note you all need to be aware of.

We are changing the Nine Lives story ratings. The ratings as they stand currently are G, PG, PG13, R, NC17, Adult Only and RPF (Real Person Fanfiction). We're making major changes to our ratings lineup, in many ways to simplify the classification system but also to avoid issues with the MPAA, which is targeting fanfiction websites for using their ratings system. (*sigh*) As of today, the new rating system will be the following:

  • G (General): No curse words, sex, descriptive violence, etc.
  • T (Teen): Maybe a little violence, a swear word or two. 
  • M (Mature): Violence, language, some gore, sex (but not a specific play-by-play of the sex itself, just allusions to the act)
  • E (Explicit): Anything goes, with as much description as you want. Not for the faint of heart.
  • The RPF ratings (for you McReedus writers) will follow this same system, except now, you'll see G-RPF, T-RPF, M-RPF and E-RPF in the ratings list. 

I'll be making these changes over the course of the next hour or so. Most stories should switch to their new rating automatically. HOWEVER, the big exception is going to be the McReedus stories. Since we're adding entirely new ratings to the system, we're going to have to go through and update each McReedus story individually. Sorry guys! There really wasn't a way around that.

Authors (Caryl and McReedus alike), if you want to lend us a helping hand and double check the ratings on your own stories once the new system kicks in, that would be awesome! EDIT: I can't believe I forgot this! The Adult Only rating is being deleted entirely. We will also have to change all of those stories manually, unless authors change their own works to the new rating system first. Thank you!

I hope all of this makes sense! Please PM me or leave a comment here if you have any questions. Thanks and Caryl on! Stay tuned for fun news coming in the next few days.


EDITED TO ADD BY IKKLEOSU: Authors, if your story was previously in the ADULT ONLY category, it is now likely in the M category. It would be very helpful if you could have a reread/check and see if you think it would be moved into the E category. PM an Admin if you need help moving, or deciding. THANK YOU! - ikkleosu


--Fairies Masquerade on January 21, 2015 5:00pm 2 Comments

Nicely done work here - ratings are always a complex thing that need attention, and losing the MPAA system is...annoying.

Can you clarify if Explicit is to be used for sexually themed works, or is explicity supposed to include (more than canon typical) gore and violence as well? - LC

- Lena Carr on January 21, 2015 5:34pm

Lena, we're taking Explicit to mean both. Sexually themed works that include great detail (thrust by thrust) as well as more-than typical canon violence and gore.

- Fairies Masquerade on January 21, 2015 5:36pm