The Great Halloween Challenge: Fic Master List

No more waiting, the time is here
For tales that make you shiver with fear
Vampires and werewolves and witches galore
Haunted houses and even more
Creepies and ghoulies to give you a fright
And all manner of things that go bump in the night
So get to reading before daylight is gone
Happy Halloween, everyone, and Caryl on!

Behold, The Great Halloween Challenge Fic Master List:


Several people requested and were granted extension on their Halloween fics, so the list will be updated throughout the day as those come in! (Those challenge participants with extension deals, send a PM to Fairies Masquerade when you've submitted your fic so she can update the challenge list, please.)

Happy reading everyone and Caryl on! 

--FM, Ikkles & Subs on October 24, 2015 7:50am 0 Comments