Give it up, give it aaaalll up for our wonderfully talented and just plain wonderful December Members of the Month: Equuleus86 and Erika_Sakura!
Equuleus86 - Author of the Month
What draws you to the Caryl ship?
God, the two of them are just made for each other. They say we’re all made of stars, and I think Carol and Daryl fell from the same one. When I think of them individually, there are so many little pieces each one has, that the other one is missing. That’s why I can never imagine either of them with anyone else. Melissa nailed it when she said that nobody else shares that relationship. It’s something that only the two of them fully understand and appreciate, and I think that’s a very rare thing to find, especially given the world that they’ve found themselves in. How unlikely is it that you find someone who’s the other half of you in the real world, let alone one where life is extra precious and fleeting? Their relationship isn’t overstated, but it’s blatantly obvious to anyone who’s watching that these two are soulmates, and that’s one of my favourite things about this ship.
Who are your writing influences?
I’m going to be a total bore and say my biggest influence is Stephen King. (Notable titles for me include The Stand, IT, Lisey’s Story, Full Dark, No Stars and The Gunslinger.) The man is just a genius. I don’t know how it’s possible for one man’s brain to house such a twisted, bizarre, perplexing and at times horrifying universe, but my God does he do it well. His natural affinity with the macabre really does inspire me, and I do draw on him for inspiration. He is so well versed in angst and the darker side of the human psyche, and I just love that. Hence my delight at writing angsty things. I find it easier to explore the darkness than the light –but I am a bit of a weirdo anyway ha! Another writer who really did inspire me was J.G Ballard. Empire of the Sun also had a really angsty, dark feel to it, with descriptions so vivid I felt like I was there. If you get the chance you should read it, it’s a fabulous story.
How do you handle writer’s block?
Urgh my nemesis of late… Well, usually, I sit and stare at my screen, typing and deleting the same sentence about ten times before giving up, raiding the cupboards for food and moaning the face off my good pal kaoscraze82. But sometimes, something as simple as changing a word or an emotion in the sentence I’m writing, or having someone think something instead of outright saying it, can make all the difference. When things go the opposite way from how you intended, it sometimes works out for the better. Music can help too – I’ve often found myself having an idea about a fic (or for a whole new fic!) from just one word or sentence of a song. Other than that, try writing something else, even if it’s just something crappy you’re not gonna show anyone. All it takes is a word to unblock your block! *tries to drill this into self!!!!!*
Anything you want to say to your readers? ;)
YES! Thank you, thank you, from the bottom of my cold Scottish icicle heart, thank you. I still am amazed and thrilled when anybody reads or reviews something I’ve written. Both my regular readers (you know who you are you gorgeous lot!) and new ones, you’re just awesome sauce. You’re the ones who stay up ‘til 3am and other crazy o’clocks reading, reviewing and pm’ing, and when I’ve had a bad day with naughty dogs and morons a-plenty, all it takes is a thoughtful word from someone who read one of my fics to cheer me up. You guys – you rock!!
Erika_Sakura - Reviewer of the Month
1.What draws you to the Caryl ship?
Well, my friends say that I identify with Carol, lol! (Admin Edit: Don't we all?! Solidarity! LOL - FM)
I love the development of the two characters from the start. Now, what really made me board the ship was the 2nd season, the search for Sophia, I cried with Carol, I adored Daryl, I saw the potential there, and the Cherokee Rose, was so beautiful and the Hug in the 5th! Wow, best episode ever.
2.What do you look for in a story to keep reading?
This question is difficult. Because my biggest problem is that I wanted to read all the stories, but I haven't much free time! I love when the authors know where to go with the story. I love the baby fic's!
3.What are your top five favorite stories?
Only 5? Impossible! There's my list:
Snake by Axelrocks
The Surrogate by liveinadive
Out of the Ashes by Starfur373
When the Levee Breaks by Haitus80
Broken Mirrors by ramblinrose
Kismet by CarolPeletier
Safe Haven by darylsdiva1
Contrapposto by darylsdiva1
A Broken Wing by Starfur373Â
Iced Tea and Cigarettes by krissyg927
Act Nice And Gentle by krissyg927Â
Good Fences Make Good Neighbors by BooksrbetterÂ
Our Little Secrets by ramblinroseÂ
Love Child by ramblinrose
4.Anything you want to say to all the Caryl authors out there?
Thank you! Really! There are so many things I want to say! I love you all!
Thank you for your dedication! You don't know how happy that makes me read a story! You have helped me so much, you have no idea!
Sometimes I get lost in translation, but that doesn't stop me to give a review!
Gracias Infinitas!Â
--Fairies Masquerade on December 03, 2015 8:53pm 0 Comments