Beta Reader Profiles - it's fall clean-up time!

ALERT: In correcting the ratings, something else broke, so now when you try to edit your beta profile it won't let you. We're working on it. (THANKS E-FICTION, YOU OBSOLETE P.O.S.)

Hello, lovely Nine Lives members!

It’s time for us to do a semi-annual updating of our beta resources.

If you are listed as a Beta in Nine Lives’ Beta section, we would appreciate it if you could take a few moments to look over your Beta preferences and complete/update any information as you see fit. Click on “Account Info > Edit Beta Profile” to update any preferences you have for material you will accept reading for Beta purposes. (NOTE: the ratings previously shown on the beta profile don't match the ratings we currently use. The beta profile template has now been changed to reflect the rating system Nine Lives uses, so please don't forget to check those and mark the ratings you are willing to beta!)

If you would no longer like to offer Beta services, now would be the time to remove yourself from the list. Click on the tab “Account Info > Edit Beta Profile > Beta Reader Status > I do not want to be a beta” and then submit, to remove yourself from the list.

Once you have completed/updated/deleted your profile, please send a PM to AlannasTara to let her know you have completed updating/deleting. You have until October 1st to update/delete your beta profile. On October 2nd, any beta profiles not updated/deleted will be removed by the admins.

We, and the many authors and readers of Nine Lives, thank you for offering your services!

--alannastara on September 24, 2017 10:39am 3 Comments
Staff changes

Just realized we forgot to tell you about some further changes to NL staffing --

Meeshie is stepping back from her role as chat moderator, but she'll continue to be involved with the tech end of things.

subversivegrrl will sort of oversee the chat function but mostly leave the nuts and bolts to the chat mods, jaibhagwan, kaoscraze82, and the newest member of the team, whowhatsitwhich! We're glad WWW is back on the scene with new fic (and bringing back some old favorites as well, yay!) and are also tickled pink that she's available to lend a hand wrangling the monthly chats.

--subversivegrrl on August 31, 2017 9:33am 0 Comments
September Writers Chat: Priorities: Making Time to Write



Dog needs to be walked? Kids making a mess in the other room? Out of whiskey milk? Let’s face it, everyone has an excuse, but unfortunately a story doesn't write itself. With so many things competing for our attention, it’s easy to forget to make time to write. Luckily, it’s never too late to take writing off the back burner!

Please join us for the next writers chat on
Thursday, September 7 at 10pm-12am EDT. We'll be sharing tips and providing support to help you overcome those pesky obstacles that are holding you back from writing that amazing Caryl fic you always wanted to write.

Have ideas for a future chat topic on Nine Lives? Send a PM to jaibhagwan, kaoscraze82, or whoswhatsitwhich with writing topics you'd like to discuss. We'd love to hear your thoughts. Our goal is to motivate you to keep writing!

-- on August 31, 2017 7:41am 0 Comments
Summer Survival Series: August Challenge 50 First Dates: Masterlist

fanart 50 first dates challenge by daynade on tumblr

Caryl’s first date...what an amazing idea to contemplate. We could wax poetic about how we think they would act and all, but I think we all know what we really want - the fic! So without further ado here’s the master list of 50 First Dates. Happy reading!

Impractical Magic by NotEnoughTimeOnMyHands

Lady and the Tramp by coreenfw

Missed Connections by silversundown

Falling by Amanda Hawthorn

a difference of opinion by thekittenking

Apocalyptic Dating by AmalynJon

The Accidental Date by the-space-between1013

Operation: Hookup by Shannonsto

Fired Up by Shannonsto

--The Challenge Mods on August 27, 2017 1:06am 0 Comments

As promised, here's a selection of recommended fics from our list of Nine Lives' authors - more stories to be added as the week goes on, so if you haven't had a chance to submit your reccs, you can continue to send them to me until Friday 8/25.

Check them out and show them some love!


Lost and Found by Lynn Saunders

Everything by Wanderings

The Things We Do for Love by WillowFaerie82

The Camera Doesn’t Lie by knowing-she-has-wings (McReedus)

Home is Wherever I’m With You by muchmoxie

She Knows For Sure by thisoldlady

Companion to Our Demons by red77

Evening Watch by rubinegoslay

Traditions by ghostofzanarkand

9 Lives by AffairWithACrossbow

Fancy by daisylou2013

Meet me at the lighthouse by Stellamare

Broken by mamatito40

It Had To Be You by NotEnoughTimeOnMyHands

Settling Down by reeeeedus

Confrontation and Repercussions by coreenfw

Alone Time by imorca

Operation Caryl by ghostofzanarkand

Out of Mind by stellamare

It’s who you’re with that makes it home by daisylou2013

It's Time by coreenfw

All The Way by NotEnoughTimeOnMyHands

Walking Toward the Sun by geektaire

Exodus by Mayrwyn

Take one for the team by daisylou2013

Price of Admission by KingdomFlower

I don't dance by Marie1063

Under Morning Sun by Raelis

Help me forget (for I long to remember) by Ab0810

Repercussions by coreenfw

Easy by fricks75

Not without him by ourkidswouldbemartians

Glory Box by adistantfire


--subversivegrrl on August 21, 2017 6:53pm 2 Comments
Support Your Local Less-Prolific Fanfic Authors!


Monday, August 21st, is going to be a day for marveling at amazing things - not just the solar eclipse, but also the wonders of fanfiction!

Yes, it's Fanfiction Writers' Appreciation Day, and here at Nive Lives we're celebrating by bringing to your attention some authors whom you might have missed.

We've done this once before - created a list of authors with only one or two stories published here, and encouraged you to check them out and give their stories some love.  We're doing it again this year for those authors who have 3-5 stories on Nine Lives - your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to click on the names below and READ some terrific Caryl fanfic!

From now through next week, when you find a story you particularly like, please send the story link to subversivegrrl via PM - beginning Monday, we'll be putting up a list of your favorites, so everyone else can enjoy them as well.

Ready, set-- INDULGE!!!


Nine Lives Authors with 3-5 stories

Lynn Saunders
Oasis Haze
My Life Is

--subversivegrrl on August 18, 2017 8:37am 1 Comments
Summer Survival Series: August Challenge 50 First Dates

 This adorable, super cute fan art was created by:


Last month we hit it out of the park with the ever popular Smutfest 2.0! This next challenge will hopefully knock your socks off and inspire you all to write, write, write.

This month’s challenge theme is 50 First Dates. That’s right. 50 First Dates. Based off the movie of the same name (which all of us loved), we invite you to head-canon the heck out of Caryl’s first date. Would Daryl ask her out or would Carol take the initiative? What would they do? Where would they go? Is it even still possible to go on a ‘date’ in the Zombie Apocalypse?

We invite you to write about their first date, whether it’s goofy and innocently awkward, first-date-gone-wrong (we’ve all been there, amirite?), pure perfection, or somewhere in between.

And not to worry, fan art, graphics, gifs, cartoons, paintings, drawings, vids and other creative visuals are definitely permitted and welcome. This challenge will also include McReedus entries.

Multiple entries are welcomed and encouraged!

Now for the Rules:

Challenge Dates - Submission date is August 26; Posting date is August 27.

Open to - Fan Fiction, Fan Art, Graphics/Gifs, Videos etc (Caryl and McReedus)

The Prompt - 50 First Dates - Tell us what happens when Caryl (or McReedus) go on their first date. Please remember, however, as this is a Caryl archive, the story must feature both Carol and Daryl or McReedus prominently.

The Deadline - All submissions must be turned in by midnight on August 26 Pacific Standard Time (PST).

Send a PM to Sira, silversundown or the-space-between1013 on the Nine Lives site that you want to enter the challenge. Even if you're not sure you'll have anything ready in time - let us know you're planning on it. *YOU MUST DO THIS TO BE INCLUDED.*


WRITE! Stories must be at least 100 words.

Multiple entries are allowed (and so veryyyy welcome)!

Do not upload it yet! Wait until Saturday, August 26th to upload your fic – just like in challenges past, we will be suspending automatic validation for that day for all authors who enter the challenge. (This is one of the main reasons why you need to let an admin know you'll be participating.)

Submission Day is Saturday, August 26th – post your fic. It will not appear on the archive, but will enter our validation queue. Make sure you submit it under the Nine Lives Challenge category!

Publication Day is Sunday, August 27th – We will post the master list and all of the challenges entries so everything shows up at once. That way, we’re all surprised by what we get to read!

Any challenge fics posted before August 26th will be deleted. IF FOR SOME REASON you are unable to post on the 26th, please send a PM to one of the challenge mod - we will work with you.


Send a PM to Sira, silversundown, or the-space-between1013 on the Nine Lives site that you want to enter the challenge --OR--

Send an ask to the Nine Lives tumblr account (ninelives2.) Anonymous submissions are not allowed! Your Ask must include your Nine Lives username if different from your Tumblr URL.


Submit your challenge piece via one of the following channels:

Nine Lives Tumblr submissions box (include your NL username if different from your Tumblr URL) OR

Email your submission to Email title: 50 First Dates

Emails must include your Nine Lives Archive username along with any other information you want to be posted with your artwork.

Submission Day is August 26th - We need to have your artwork submitted to our Tumblr or email by 12:00 midnight Pacific time on 08/26.

Publication Day is August 27th - We will post all artwork via the Nine Lives tumblr account and add them to the master list of challenge entries on the Nine Lives Archive.


Send a PM to Sira, silversundown, or the-space-between1013 on the Nine Lives site that you want to enter the challenge --OR--

Send an ask to the Nine Lives tumblr account (ninelives2.) Anonymous submissions are not allowed! Your Ask must include your Nine Lives username if different from your Tumblr URL.


Upload your video to YouTube - ensuring you select "UNLISTED" as the privacy setting. You will have a URL for your video.

Send a PM to Sira, silversundown, or the-space-between1013 with the URL for your video, along with a title and the name you use on YouTube, plus your Nine Lives name (if different from the one you use on YouTube) --OR--

Email all of that information to Email title: 50 First Dates

Submission Day is August 26th - We need to have your video link submitted to our inbox by 12:00 midnight Pacific time on 08/26.

Publication Day is August 27th - We will post all submissions via the Nine Lives tumblr account and add them to the master list of challenge entries on the Nine Lives Archive.

You can change you video's privacy setting to PUBLIC once it has been listed on Nine Lives.

Any questions? please PM a challenge mod.

--The Challenge Mods on August 08, 2017 9:36pm 0 Comments
August Monthly Writers Chat: AU Addicts Club

This month's Summer Survival Series Challenge will focus heavily on AU's, so we think there's no better way to kick off our Monthly Writers  Chat than to focus on AU's of all shapes, sorts, and sizes! 

Join us tomorrow, Thursday, August 3rd, at 10pm Eastern, as we AU Addicts gather to discuss AU's, what makes them great and how to keep characterization intact in alternative universes and situations! 

As always, readers are welcome of course! We love input.

--Ikkles, Subs, AT on August 02, 2017 7:47pm 1 Comments
Summer Survival Series: July Challenge Smutfest 2.0 Masterlist

The smut has arrived! We had a big turn out from a lot of pretty awesome authors.

Enough said, right? We all know you're really here for the stories and not this news post, so without further explanation here is the masterlist of super fabulous, totally hot, very sexy smut fics!

A Case Of You by Amanda Hawthorn

The drunken birds and bees by Marie1063

It's Time by coreenfw

Close Call by LeeLeeWoflpack

just one last time by lilabut

Yours by eyeslikewildflowers

Trifecta by silversundown

The Dixons by Amwaaker

SDCC '17 by eyeslikewildflowers

All The Way by NotEnoughTimeOnMyHands

We are in this. Together by thisoldlady

A Softer Place To Fall by alatarielgildaen

--The Challenge Mods on July 30, 2017 2:10am 0 Comments
Quick Reminder!

Hello to all you beautiful people! 

Just a quick reminder: Please direct any messages you have (questions, comments, ideas, etc) to Ikkleosu, Subversivegrrl, or AlannasTara. While Fairies Masquerade is still an admin, she is responsible for handling larger projects behind the scenes, such as site security. She is no longer active in the day to day running of the archive, and as such, is not able to respond to messages. If you would like your concern to be addressed, again, please make sure you PM Ikkles, Subs, or AT.  Thank you!    -AT, Ikkles, and Subs

--AT, Ikkles, and Subs on July 22, 2017 9:42pm 0 Comments
Summer Survival Series: July Challenge Smutfest 2.0

Hey, everybody!


Image result for sexy couple hands

Are you ready for the second part of our Summer Survival Series? Yes? YES???

This time, as previously hinted at, we‘re going to revive an old favorite.


Ladies, let‘s hear it for Smutfest 2.0!


We want YOU to tell or show us how it would look like if Carol and Daryl finally decided to throw caution to the wind and gave in to what has been building between them for what seems ages.


Would you like to write a story about their first time? Please do. If it‘s tender, awkward or an explosion of passion too long denied, please, we‘d love to read this story.


Would you like to write a story with Caryl as an established couple while they‘re enjoying a well-deserved break or maybe one about a time when they just can‘t keep their hands off each other? Please, with cherries on top, show us.


Would you like to write a McReedus story, celebrating the sizzling chemistry between these two actors, yes, please!

The same goes for any kind of artwork (of the more mature kind), may it be a graphic, a gif set, something painted or drawn or a video to celebrate Carol and Daryl consuming their relationship.

There‘s only one rule, really. We want it hot and we want it heavy.



To sum up everything you need to know about this challenge:


Challenge dates:  Submission date is July 29; Posting date is July 30.


Open to: Fan Fiction, Fan Art, Graphics, Fan Videos (both Caryl and McReedus)


THE PROMPT: Smutfest 2.0 – As the title says, we want you to write smut (wild, kinky, naughty, romantic, however you prefer it, really.) Please remember, , this is a Caryl archive, so your story has to prominently feature both Daryl and Carol or McReedus.


The Deadline:  All submissions must be turned in by midnight Pacific Time on July 29th.


The Rules: (okay, there‘s more than one, sorry) Send a PM to Sira, silversundown or the-space-between1013 on the Nine Lives site that you want to enter the challenge. Even if you're not sure you'll have anything ready in time - let us know you're planning on it. YOU MUST DO THIS TO BE INCLUDED.




WRITE! Stories must be at least 100 words.


Multiple entries are allowed!


Do not upload it yet! Wait until Saturday, July 29th to upload your fic – just like in challenges past, we will be suspending automatic validation for that day for all authors who enter the challenge. (This is one of the main reasons why you need to let an admin know you'll be participating. Otherwise… a mess.)


Submission Day is Saturday, July 29th – post your fic. It will not appear on the archive, but will enter our validation queue. Make sure you submit it under the Nine Lives Challenge category!


Publication Day is Sunday, July 30th – We will post the master list and all of the challenges entries so everything shows up at once. That way, we’re all surprised by what we get to read!


Any challenge fics posted before July 29th will be deleted. IF FOR SOME REASON you are unable to post on the 29th, please send a PM to one of the challenge mod - we will work with you.





Send a PM to Sira, silversundown, or the-space-between1013 on the Nine Lives site that you want to enter the challenge --OR--


Send an ask to the Nine Lives tumblr account (ninelives2.) Anonymous submissions are not allowed! Your Ask must include your Nine Lives username if different from your Tumblr URL.




Submit your challenge piece via one of the following channels:


  • Nine Lives Tumblr submissions box (include your NL username if different from your Tumblr URL) OR



Email title: Smutfest 2.0


Emails must include your Nine Lives Archive username along with any other information you want to be posted with your artwork.


Submission Day is July 29th - We need to have your artwork submitted to our Tumblr or email by 12:00 midnight Pacific time on 07/29.


Publication Day is July30th - We will post all artwork via the Nine Lives tumblr account and add them to the master list of challenge entries on the Nine Lives Archive.





Send a PM to Sira, silversundown, or the-space-between1013 on the Nine Lives site that you want to enter the challenge --OR--


Send an ask to the Nine Lives tumblr account (ninelives2.) Anonymous submissions are not allowed! Your Ask must include your Nine Lives username if different from your Tumblr URL.




Upload your video to YouTube - ensuring you select "UNLISTED" as the privacy setting. You will have a URL for your video.


  • Send a PM to Sira, silversundown, or the-space-between1013 with the URL for your video, along with a title and the name you use on YouTube, plus your Nine Lives name (if different from the one you use on YouTube) --OR--



Email title: Smutfest 2.0


Submission Day is July 29th - We need to have your video link submitted to our inbox by 12:00 midnight Pacific time on 07/29.


Publication Day is July 30th - We will post all submissions via the Nine Lives tumblr account and add them to the master list of challenge entries on the Nine Lives Archive.


You can change you video's privacy setting to PUBLIC once it has been listed on Nine Lives.


Any questions? please PM a challenge mod.

-- on July 07, 2017 7:25pm 0 Comments
Summer Survival Series 2017: The Find Your G-Spot Challenge Masterlist


Without further ado, we present the 2017 Inaugural Summer Survivial Series "Find Your G-Spot" Challenge Masterlist.

We had a lovely turnout with some great submissions from both familiar authors and brand new authors. Check them out!


Brought to You by the letter G by Marybethorama

Aghast by Coreenfw

Inquisitive by AmalynJon

Gorging in a Ghostown by ICanStopAnytime

Relive the Same Pull by YokaiShinari

Sugar, Sugar by AlannasTara

Counting Stars by Shae

Glory Box by Becky Thatcher

-- on June 25, 2017 7:00am 0 Comments
June Challenge and SSS Announcement!

YES, thanks to our awesome new challenge mods Challenges are BACK BABY.


The (hopefully not so elusive) G-Spot Challenge, aka 2017's First Summer Survival Challenge


We know it’s been some time since our last challenge but good things come to those who wait, right? Due to real life having all of us chasing our own tails it’s been some time since the last challenge, but we hope y’all are still properly motivated to get back into the groove of things.
For this challenge we want to try something (hopefully) fun and well… challenging.

As the title hints at, this challenge revolves around the great, giving and gripping letter G. We want you to use the random word generator, see the link below, grab a bag of six words starting with the letter G and write a story incorporating these words featuring our favorite couple.

I’m sure you always had the strong urge to explain what:

And Grin

(as an example only. Get your own words.)

have to do with Carol and Daryl.Or how about giving  your random words a McReedus spin? The result can be funny, angst-y or steamy (if you take the challenge title literally) for as long as it features your random words.

I really hope we can interest you in giving this a go. Carol and Daryl on the show might still be waiting for their (oh so deserved) happy ending but you get the chance to write them one right here and now, or if it’s not a happy end this time, then show us what makes their relationship so special and unique.

You can find the random word generator here: here:


To sum up this challenge in a nutshell:

Challenge Dates: submission date Saturday, June 24th; publication date Sunday, June 25th

Open to: Fan Fiction (Caryl AND McReedus)

(no fanart or videos this time. Look out for July and August Chalenges if that's your thing!))

THE PROMPT: G-Spot challenge (a mixed bag of words starting with the letter G)

You can basically do with these words whatever you like to,  but remember, this is a Caryl archive, so your story has to prominently feature both Daryl and Carol or McReedus.

THE DEADLINE: All submissions must be turned in by midnight Pacific Time on June 24th.


Send a PM to Sira, the-space-between1013, or silversundown on the Nine Lives site that you want to enter the challenge. Even if you're not sure you'll have anything ready in time - let us know you're planning on it. YOU MUST DO THIS TO BE INCLUDED.

WRITE! Stories must be at least 100 words.

Multiple entries are allowed!

Due to the nature of  the prompt this challenge is only open for fanfiction.

Do not upload it yet! Wait until Saturday, June 24th to upload your fic – just like in challenges past, we will be suspending automatic validation for that day for all authors who enter the challenge. (This is one of the main reasons why you need to let an admin know you'll be participating.

Submission Day is June 24th – post your fic. It will not appear on the archive, but will enter our validation queue. Make sure you submit it under the Nine Lives Challenge category!

Publication Day is Sunday, June 25th – We will post the master list and all of the challenges entries so everything shows up at once. That way, we’re all surprised by what we get to read!
Any challenge fics posted before June 24th will be deleted. IF FOR SOME REASON you are unable to post on the 24th, please send a PM to one of the challenge mods - we will work with you.


And now a sneak preview of the Summer Survival Series Challenges coming up:

July - Smutfest! Yes, it's time to visit your favorite challenge theme again to create a sizzling hot July for Nine Lives.

August - 50 First Dates! Inspired by the movie of the same name, we want you to give us every possible Caryl first date imaginable.

-- on June 07, 2017 2:59pm 0 Comments
Put on your hardhats, we're doing scene construction!

Next Thursday! June 8th! Caryl Writers' Chat Room! Be there! 10 pm Eastern Daylight Time (check the Time Zone Converter in the left hand bar, right under "Events", to find your own local time.)

We're going to be talking about how to put together scenes, which are the building blocks for a story - segments that need to have their form, stability and cohesion or your "building" will fall down.

Readers welcome, as always!

--ikkleosu, subversivegrrl, alannastara on May 31, 2017 6:36pm 0 Comments
Hey, kids, do you know what time it is?

It's (almost) Writer's Chat time - tomorrow night, Thursday the 4th, 10 pm Eastern Daylight Time (check the Time Zone Converter, above the Events box on the left, to figure out your local time) and we're going to be talking about Beta Readers -- how to be one, as well as how to work with one!

There's a reason we're revisiting this topic (besides the fact that we are strong believers in the process of working with a neutral reader when you're writing) and that's because we're getting ready to revamp our list of available beta readers.

We haven't talked much about this since NL launched, and as a result there are quite a few people who once signed up to act as beta readers for our community here but are no longer active on the site. Recently we've had some frustrations when writers have been looking for a reader and can't find anyone on the list who's still offering those services. So it's time to clean up and rebuild the list!

SO: if you're currently a beta reader listed here on Nine Lives, you might want to take a look at your beta profile (go to "Account Info" and click on "Edit Beta Profile" under "Profile and Preferences) to make sure it's up to date as far as your availability and what assistance you're willing to offer.

If you're NOT already listed, but think you'd like to work with other authors to help them with their stories, fill out a beta profile! And if you're not sure, take a look at the information under "Writing Resources" on "Beta Readers 101."

In either case, we hope to see you tomorrow night!

--subversivegrrl on May 03, 2017 6:34pm 1 Comments
Staffing Changes & A Return to Activity

We’re baaaaack!

Greetings and salutations, Nine Lives!

It is of the opinion of the Nine Lives team that we have been quiet for far too long. It’s not entirely our fault - we were all hit with some massive real life issues all at the same time, so some things had to take a back seat while we handled our various insanities. Well, they’re not done but we’re back in action anyway. Even while we all went individually crazy, we still talked and planned and came to some awesome decisions and cooked up some wild ideas.

It’s hiatus time, after all. This is where we shine.

With that, I’m here to drop the first of our big announcements on you. When last we spoke, we were taking applications for an open position - another Tech Guru, particularly a Coder, to assist meeshie and FM in their ongoing mountain climb to take on the technical struggles of the Nine Lives Archive. We are extremely excited to announce that our new coder is none other than silversundown! Welcome aboard, girl! With her help, we’ll be able to move forward with our plans at a much more rapid pace.

BUT WAIT - there’s more! While we were reviewing applications for our coder, we were also discussing something we’ve wanted to take on for a while: expanding the admin team. Frankly, Nine Lives is too massive for just three of us to handle on our own anymore. We needed a fourth. So we reached out for recommendations and then considered our options. After many lengthy discussions, we’re incredibly pleased to announce to you all that AlannasTara has been promoted from Challenge/Chat Moderator to a full fledged Administrator of Nine Lives! She turns the Trio of Terror into the Fantastic Four and will help bring Nine Lives into the next stages of awesomeness.

Welcome aboard to both of you! We’re excited to see our team grow as our archive evolves.

We’ve got something that you’ll all hopefully be very excited about coming at you tomorrow and soon there will be challenges headed your way! Gear up, folks - it’s hiatus time and that means it’s the Summer Survival Series! Stay tuned, stay frosty and, in the meantime, congratulate our newest NL staffers!

As always: Caryl on…

--FM, Ikkles and Subs on April 29, 2017 11:49am 1 Comments
April Writers' Chat: WRITER'S BLOCK

You know that feeling. The one where you want to write all the things, and you can’t get any of the words out of your brain? Or perhaps, you have the ability and words, and can’t come up with a story? Maybe you are halfway through a story already, and you’re just stuck?


We can help!

Join us for our Monthly Writer's’ Chat on Thursday, April 6th, at 10:00 pm EST, where we will focus on the nemesis of every writerWRITER’S BLOCK. We will discuss how to clear the imaginative and creative pipes, and get your story flowing!

--alannastara on March 26, 2017 5:24pm 0 Comments
Calling All Coders!

Greetings and saluations, Nine Lives-ers! Hope this post finds everyone happy and well in Carylland. 

As we continue to grow, we find ourselves in need of another tech person to assist meeshie and FM with repairs, rebuilding and expansion for Nine Lives. We need someone who is very familiar with MySQL and PHP coding, with enough patience to deal with an archive whose base code was written sometime in the stone age and is held together with virtual duct tape. 

Interested applicants should email with the following information:

  • Nine Lives Username

  • Real Name (first only)

  • Valid email address

  • Previous experience with PHP/MySQL coding

  • Regular availability (weekly/monthly basis)

All applications need to be in by 12pm PST (high noon) on Sunday, March 26. If you have any questions, just drop a PM to me, Fairies Masquerade.

Thank you and, as always, Caryl on!


--Fairies Masquerade on March 19, 2017 5:44pm 0 Comments
Master List - International Fanworks Day 2017

Nine Lives Tumblr Art Show - International Fanworks Day 2017

46 artists. 64 individual works. Original art, edits, manipulations, and videos. The breadth and depth of the talent in our little corner of the Walking Dead fandom is ASTONISHING. 

The works represent a wide range of styles, and were chosen by Nine Lives admins and staff. Included are works by each member of our new graphics team!

Many of these artists are members on Nine Lives - some use a different username here than on Tumblr, and unfortunately there wasn't enough time for us to match up the art with the appropriate NL username on the Master List. Please know that we are eternally grateful for your artistic celebration of our ship!

With such a lengthy list, we've put the links into a separate document, linked at the top of this post. Or, you can go to the Nine Lives Tumblr and see the whole array as they are posted! (Roughly at a rate of two per hour. Also, due to Tumblr queue limits, the "show" will spill over into tomorrow.) 

[Try to filter out just the IFD art show posts.]

--subversivegrrl, ikkleosu, fairiesmasquerade on February 15, 2017 8:56am 0 Comments
Nine Lives celebrates International Fanworks Day!

Starting late tonight and running through Wednesday, February 15th, Nine Lives will be featuring a day of Tumblr’s Caryl fan artists–original visual art, edits/manips, and videos–selected by Nine Lives’ admins and other staff members (and including a sample of work from each of the members of our new graphics team!)

--Subs on February 14, 2017 9:47pm 1 Comments
March Writers Chat: Writing Sprints

Kermit the Frog typing madlyYay for our March chat topic: Writing Sprints (formerly Word Wars)!! Relax now... these sprints won't make you winded. They're designed to let you stretch your writing legs for 4-10 minutes at a time. We've called them "Word Wars" before, but truly, there's no competing here. Though sharing is encouraged, you don't have to show anybody what you've written during the sprints. It's completely up to you!

This chat will focus more on the writers, but readers are welcome to join. So, bring your sense of humor, your anxiety, your patience, and a stopwatch/timer. We’ll have a good time, and hopefully no tears will be shed. (Well, maybe just a few tears from feels. We’ll bring some tissues, too, just in case.)

Join us on Thursday, March 2nd from 10pm-12am EDT!

Have ideas for a future chat topic on Nine Lives? Send a PM to meeshie, jaibhagwanAlannasTara, or kaoscraze82 with writing topics you'd like to discuss. We'd love to hear your thoughts. Our goal is to motivate you to keep writing!

(gif from GIPHY)

--meeshie on February 06, 2017 6:56pm 0 Comments
Welcome New Staff!

Hello Nine Lives family and friends!

We kicked off the new year with two announcements: that in the first moves towards our expansion and growth goals, we were looking to expand our Nine Lives team with a new squad of Challenge Moderators: creative and enthusiastic individuals willing to help the NL admins plan, coordinate, promote and oversee our events, games and fanfic/art challenges. We also opened another spot on our Chat team and, in a separate announcement, put out a call looking for graphic artists for special projects. We received an overwhelming number of responses for all of our open positions, and after weeks of review and discussion, we have made our decisions!

Fairies Masquerade, Subversivegrrl, Ikkleosu, and meeshie are pleased to announce the new additions to the Nine Lives Staff:

Challenge Moderators

  • AlannasTara

  • silversundown

  • Sira

  • the-space-between1013

Chat Moderator

  • kaoscraze82

kaoscraze82 joins our existing chat team of jaibhagwan and AlannasTara under the direction of Chat Admin meeshie in planning and hosting our monthly Writers Chats.

Graphic Artists Team

  • untapdtreasure

  • PixieGrunger

  • Na Bruma Leve

  • surrealfantasy3

Excitement! Adventure! Shenanigans ahead!

Truly, we are so excited to welcome some amazing talents and personalities to the inner workings of Nine Lives. Big, big things are ahead for us! Our new staff has yet to go through their full initiation, so please don’t ask them for anything yet. Once we get them situated, we’ll post another announcement letting you know how things will work with our expanded teams.

In the meantime, be sure to congratulate these new team members! They’ll be working hard to make Nine Lives bigger and better just for you.

--FM, Ikkles, Subs & meeshie on January 29, 2017 2:15pm 0 Comments
3 Years and Counting


And then we were 3.

Greetings, Nine Lives family. This is your friendly neighborhood Fairies Masquerade here, representing the admin team. I have spent days sitting here staring at a blank page, trying to figure out how to say all the things I want to say. 

2016 was, in what became typical 2016 fashion, tumultuous for Nine Lives in every way. To say that we experienced some growing pains in 2016 would be quite the understatement. Subversivegrrl said something to me the other night that I wanted to share (with her blessing). She was speaking about her own writing, but I feel very strongly that what she said applies to Nine Lives as well. She said: “It’s a little like metalworking. After you whack at a piece of metal for a while, it gets brittle and you have to put it back in the fire for a bit so you can work it some more without shattering it.”

For me personally, this anniversary is bittersweet. Although my passion for Caryl has not diminished, I’ve stepped back from being a more active face of Nine Lives and a member of the Caryl community for my own mental and physical safety and well being. My stepping back allowed Ikkleosu and subversivegrrl to come forward together and bring a new energy to the Nine Lives Archive, one that I am incredibly proud of. Ikkleosu and subversivegrrl’s level of commitment - to Nine Lives, to Caryl, to each other as friends and teammates, to their fellow fans, to their own fandom works - is truly awe-inspiring. Point blank: we would not have Nine Lives today without these two ladies. We’re also incredibly blessed to have meeshie, our Chat Admin and Unofficially-Official tech goddess. Without her knowledge and her unending patience, so much of what we have on the archive wouldn’t be possible. I am continually honored and humbled to call these ladies my friends as well as my co-admins here. If there is a heart to Nine Lives, it’s the three of them.

The soul of Nine Lives is you. You brilliant, wonderful, talented, enthusiastic, inspiring people out there who decided to take a chance on this place. We have said it before and we will never stop saying it: You are Nine Lives. You are the lifeblood of this archive, of this communal haven we call home. Thank you for coming. Thank you for staying. Thank you for being part of us.

Screen Shot 2017-01-21 at 10.34.17 PM.png

All I ask from you today is to share what Nine lives means to you, either in the shoutbox or the comments below. Share with us why you came, what stories or events have tickled your fancy, and what your hopes and dreams are as we march headfirst into our 4th year. 

We’ve changed a lot - as individuals, as an archive, as a fandom - but we’ve learned a lot from those changes and I think that 2017 will show our archive moving forward in incredibly positive ways from the lessons of last year. I look forward to the growth and expansion of Nine Lives, not just as a website, but as a community family. There will be new challenges, new adventures and new stories to tell. I, for one, cannot wait to see what you and 2017 have in store.

That’s 3 years in the bag. Let’s see what 4 has in store for us!


Much Love,

Fairies Masquerade

--Fairies Masquerade on January 24, 2017 2:17pm 2 Comments
February Writers Chat - Mixing It Up!

"A story should have a beginning, a middle and an end, but not necessarily in that order." - Jean-Luc Godard

Are you trying to think of a unique way to relay information in your story? Do you want to draw on a character's past without writing their history from A to Z? Are you looking to create mystery and intrigue for your thrilling AU?

Join us on Thursday, February 2nd, at 10 pm EST, for our February Writers’ Chat, where we will discuss Flashbacks, Dreams, and Nonlinear Storytelling and how to use them in a manner that will have the most impact on your readers!

Readers and lurkers are welcome as well. There's no better way to learn what works than by asking our target audience!

--alannastara, jaibhagwan on January 23, 2017 3:10pm 1 Comments
Rewriting History: the What-If/Fix-It Challenge Masterlist

Now, this is how you start the new year right - by waving your authorial wand and changing the way things turned out in The Walking Dead.

If only real life were as simple, hm?

You folks really stepped up to the challenge, and we have some excellent responses to share with you. Check them out here:

Thanks to everyone who submitted for the challenge! Now, read, enjoy, and above all, Caryl on!!


--subversivegrrl, ikkleosu, fairiesmasquerade on January 23, 2017 11:47am 0 Comments
Rewriting History: 2017's First Fic Challenge (or, What we would have liked to do with 2016, but were prevented by time paradoxes)


Time to go back and change the past. Time to speculate on the way things could have gone, or repair the damage done by TPTB.

Time to seize the reins and redirect Caryl's story.  


A "what-if" fic looks at canon and mixes things up. What if a certain canon event hadn't happened, or had happened differently? What if Merle had died on that rooftop in Atlanta, or if Rick, Daryl and company had gotten back there in time to get him out of the cuffs before he cut his hand off? Or if they'd been able to intercept him afterward and take him back to the quarry to recuperate? Any of those changes to just that one piece of story would have dramatically changed what happened later.

What if Rick had been the one to die in that field at the Greenes' farm instead of Shane? What if Daryl had gotten himself stuck in that cell in the Tombs, and Carol had been the one to find him? What if Carol and Andrea escaped the farm together and spent that terrible winter with Michonne before ending up in Woodbury? What if Axel had lived? Or T-Dog? What if Daryl had stayed with Merle in Woodbury rather than escaping? The story could have gone in vastly different directions.

"Fix-it" is a variant on "what-if." We probably all have pieces of canon we wish had been handled differently. In a fix-it fic, maybe Andrea didn't dawdle over retrieving the pliers from the floor of the Governor's torture room and was able to get free of the chair before Milton turned. Maybe it was Daryl who killed Karen and David, or maybe he and Carol did it together. There have certainly been plenty of stories where Carol was revealed to have taken the blame for someone else -- all of those stories "fix" canon, bringing it in line with how the writers understand Carol's character. There's even at least one amazingly ambitious story that sends Daryl back in time, letting him know in advance what's about to happen and prevent it this time around.

So now it's your turn. You have the power to rewrite history for these characters. What parts of the story will you erase from canon and insert your own vision of how things could have been?

Challenge Dates: submission date Sunday, January 22nd; publication Monday, January 23rd

Open to: Fan Fiction, Fan Art, Graphics, Fan Videos

THE PROMPT: What-if/Fix It

You can pick any aspect of canon to rewrite,  but remember, this is a Caryl archive, so your story has to prominently feature both Daryl and Carol.

THE DEADLINE: All submissions must be turned in by midnight Pacific Time on January 22nd.



Send a PM to fairiesmasquerade, Ikkleosu, or subversivegrrl on the Nine Lives site that you want to enter the challenge. Even if you're not sure you'll have anything ready in time - let us know you're planning on it. YOU MUST DO THIS TO BE INCLUDED.

WRITE! Stories must be at least 100 words.

Multiple entries are allowed!

No McReedus (given the theme, we assume you already knew that.)

Do not upload it yet! Wait until Sunday, January 22nd to upload your fic – just like in challenges past, we will be suspending automatic validation for that day for all authors who enter the challenge. (This is one of the main reasons why you need to let an admin know you'll be participating. Otherwise UGH a mess.)

Submission Day is January 22nd – post your fic. It will not appear on the archive, but will enter our validation queue. Make sure you submit it under the Nine Lives Challenge category!

Publication Day is Monday, January 23rd – We will post the master list and all of the challenges entries so everything shows up at once. That way, we’re all surprised by what we get to read!

Any challenge fics posted before January 22nd will be deleted. IF FOR SOME REASON you are unable to post on the 22nd, please send a PM to one of the admins - we will work with you.


Send a PM to fairiesmasquerade, Ikkleosu, or subversivegrrl on the Nine Lives site that you want to enter the challenge --OR--

Send an ask to the Nine Lives tumblr account (ninelives2.) Anonymous submissions are not allowed! Your Ask must include your Nine Lives username if different from your Tumblr URL.


Submit your challenge piece via one of the following channels:

  • Nine Lives Tumblr submissions box (include your NL username if different from your Tumblr URL) OR

Email title: What If/Fix It Challenge Submission

Emails must include your Nine Lives Archive username along with any other information you want to be posted with your artwork.

Submission Day is January 22nd - We need to have your artwork submitted to our Tumblr or email by 12:00 midnight Pacific time on 1/22.

Publication Day is January 23rd - We will post all artwork via the Nine Lives tumblr account and add them to the master list of challenge entries on the Nine Lives Archive.


Send a PM to fairiesmasquerade, Ikkleosu, or subversivegrrl on the Nine Lives site that you want to enter the challenge, OR

Send an ask to the Nine Lives tumblr account (ninelives2.) Anonymous submissions are not allowed! Your Ask must include your Nine Lives username if different from your Tumblr URL.


Upload your video to YouTube - ensuring you select "UNLISTED" as the privacy setting. You will have a URL for your video.

  • Send a PM to fairiesmasquerade, Ikkleosu, or subversivegrrl with the URL for your video, along with a title and the name you use on YouTube, plus your Nine Lives name (if different from the one you use on YouTube) --OR--

Email title: What-If/Fix It Challenge Submission

Submission Day is January 22nd - We need to have your video link submitted to our inbox by 12:00 midnight Pacific time on 1/22.

Publication Day is January 23 - We will post all submissions via the Nine Lives tumblr account and add them to the master list of challenge entries on the Nine Lives Archive.

You can change you video's privacy setting to PUBLIC once it has been listed on Nine Lives.

Any questions? please PM an admin.

--subversivegrrl, ikkleosu, fairiesmasquerade on January 05, 2017 8:21am 1 Comments
Something Great Is Coming... and We Want You!

Hello Nine Lives and happy 2017 to you all! It’s a new week, a new month, a new year! For so many, January is a time of fresh starts and new beginnings. For us, it’s also a time of celebration. A few years ago, we tried something new when Nine Lives was first launched and now, January has become our ultimate boogie time.

Nine Lives’ 3rd anniversary is January 24!! Can you believe it? We’re a toddler! We have a lot that’ll be coming at you over the next few days as we roll out our challenges and changes to go along with our upcoming 3rd anniversary. Ikkleosu has something special for the graphics artists she’s going to drop shortly and Subs is getting our challenge announcement together based off of the results from the poll we’ve had up the last couple of weeks.

What I wanted to do is pick up where we left off with our amazing fundraiser results and talk about the growth of the site. We have plans, you guys. Plans that are definitely moving forward, but in order to make that happen, we’ve got to make some changes to the archive. The site as it is has enough traffic and daily maintenance to keep myself, Ikkles & Subs busy for the rest of our lives, and that’s before we even get into things like MOTM, fanfic challenges and any other events. If we’re going to grow, we need more help behind the scenes here.

Basically, we’re hiring!

A few things for you to know: nobody on the Nine Lives staff is paid. These are all volunteer positions and some of them will require more time and attention than others. General active participation on the Nine Lives Archive, either as a writer or reviewer, is required to be considered. These are the positions we have currently available:

  • Challenge Moderator: Will assist the Nine Lives admin team with the planning, scheduling, organization and advertising of Nine Lives’ fanfic/art/video challenges. May also be called upon to assist in running behind the scenes on challenge Upload and Posting days. Will be required to attend regular staff meetings. 2017 challenges are scheduled for the following months: January, February, April, June, July, August, November.

    • Number of spots open: 2-3

  • Chat Moderator: Will be part of the Nine lives Chat team under meeshie. Chat moderators plan, schedule and run the monthly Writers Chats, as well as any other chat events that may occur. Chat mods enforce the rules during Writers Chats and issue warnings/bans as needed as well as keeping the chat discussions on topic. Regular attendance at the monthly Writers Chats is required.

    • Number of spots open: 1

If you’re interested in joining the Nine Lives team, fill out the following form and it to email

  • Nine Lives Username

  • Real Name (first only)

  • Valid email address

  • Username for at least 1 other social media account (tumblr/twitter/etc)

  • Position Applying For

  • Short paragraph of why you think you’d be a good fit for the position

Applications are open through January 20. If you have questions about any of the open positions or what else may be required, send a PM to Fairies Masquerade.

That’s all, folks! Stay tuned for the fun challenge news headed your way and get ready to get down for our 3rd anniversary!

--Fairies Masquerade on January 02, 2017 11:53am 0 Comments
1st Challenge of 2017: Your input is needed!

Nine Lives has kind of taken a break from challenges since the Summer Survival Series concluded - between uncooperative Real Life stuff, hiatus angst, and general kerfufflery, it seemed like most of us were at a low ebb as far as fic was concerned.

But then... a little light shone in spoilers... and we got to see both Carol and Daryl in the new season... and we started dreaming again... and lo and behold...!!! The new fic has been rolling in.

So now we're gearing up for the first challenge of 2017, which happens to coincide with our third anniversary on January 24th (I KNOW!! THREE YEARS!!!) We want to make this a slam-bangin', rip-roaring TIDAL WAVE of fic -- with your help, of course.

What can you do? Well, you can help us figure out what the theme is going to be!

Click on the link below, and check out our poll: we've provided four possible themes, and left a fifth spot open for "Other." Pick one of ours, or suggest one of your own! Voting runs from now until December 31st, and we'll announce the theme on January 7th.

Nine Lives POLL: January 2017 Challenge Theme

Thanks for your participation, your support, and above all, your undying love for Caryl!

--subversivegrrl, ikkleosu, fairiesmasquerade on December 20, 2016 8:25am 1 Comments
SUGGESTION BOX: Member of the Month Revamp


Happy Thursday, Nine Lives Family! And to the Americans in the group: Happy Thanksgiving!

Ikkles, Subs and I have been working on revamping our Member of the Month feature that will premiere in January as part of Nine Lives' 3rd Anniversary celebration. We're working things out, incuding resetting the list so that those who have won before are eligible to win again under our new format. We're pretty excited with what we've been cooking up, but before we finalize this event, we want to hear from YOU.

  • What do you want to see in a new MOTM event?

  • How should we base our criteria for nomination?

  • How should we celebrate?

  • What do you want to know about our winners?

Comment on this announcement OR send a PM with your ideas/suggestions to Fairies Masquerade. We will be taking suggestions for MOTM specifically through the next 2 weeks - through December 9

Thank you, friends, and once more: Caryl on!

--Fairies Masquerade on November 24, 2016 1:39pm 4 Comments
Fundraiser Round Up and Lotto/Auction Winners

We are very pleased to announce the total amount raised in our first Nine Lives fundraiser is $1,258.07!!

We’re going to give thanks and wax sentimental shortly, but before we do, we have a few announcements to make.

Winner of the Norman Reedus Autograph Lotto

Once donations closed, we assigned a number to each donation. We then used a random number generator (thanks to pull our winner. Congratulations to the new owner of our one of a kind Daryl Dixon photo autographed by Norman Reedus himself…


Your shiny new autograph is headed your way. Woot woot!

Graphics Auction Winners

Our graphic auction was a rousing success. We wanted to thank our spectacular artists for donating their time and talents to our cause. And now, without further ado (haha got it right this time, Subs! -- FM), here are our list of winners for our Fan Artist Graphics Auction:

     Artist                       Winner

     Alannastara              jaibhagwan

     caryllover                 annie319

     DarylRocks               untapdtreasure

     Dixonscarol              geektaire

     untapdtreasure         jaibhagwan

     Ikkleosu                   chicakdee282

Winners and artists will be sent a PM with details on providing and receiving their graphics. If you have any questions, PM an admin.

And now, it’s time for that sentimentality we warned you about:

Our most profound thanks to those who donated. Truly, there is no donation too small. Every cent raised will help us moving forward. We cannot thank you enough for all the support shown towards Nine Lives in recent weeks, financial and otherwise. Many of you sent messages showing your support for Nine Lives even though you couldn’t donate financially during our fundraiser. Those words, that support, mean just as much to us behind the scenes.

Though the fundraiser is over, many express a wish to be able to donate when they have the means to do so. By popular request, we are leaving the Donate button up on the site.

Nine Lives is, most of the time for us, a job. One that we volunteered for willingly, even as some days it threatens to drown us. It’s an outlet of creativity, a playground for our fandom, a home. It’s also expensive, time consuming and exhausting. To see our community come together for us, for the Archive, reminds us why we all agreed to do this and what we’re working for. You’re trusting us with the fruits of your creativity, and that isn’t a charge we take lightly. Thank you for being with us, for trusting us, for taking Nine Lives into yourselves and making it your home. When this fandom pulls together in positive ways, amazing things happen. We are capable to great works that make real differences in people’s lives, and this place is proof of that. 

Go forward. Write. Read. Review. Chat. Laugh. Love. And as always, Caryl on.

Much Love from YOUR Fangirls,

Fairies Masquerade, Ikkleosu and subversivegrrl

--FM, Ikkles and Subs on November 16, 2016 10:13pm 0 Comments