Staffing Changes & A Return to Activity

We’re baaaaack!

Greetings and salutations, Nine Lives!

It is of the opinion of the Nine Lives team that we have been quiet for far too long. It’s not entirely our fault - we were all hit with some massive real life issues all at the same time, so some things had to take a back seat while we handled our various insanities. Well, they’re not done but we’re back in action anyway. Even while we all went individually crazy, we still talked and planned and came to some awesome decisions and cooked up some wild ideas.

It’s hiatus time, after all. This is where we shine.

With that, I’m here to drop the first of our big announcements on you. When last we spoke, we were taking applications for an open position - another Tech Guru, particularly a Coder, to assist meeshie and FM in their ongoing mountain climb to take on the technical struggles of the Nine Lives Archive. We are extremely excited to announce that our new coder is none other than silversundown! Welcome aboard, girl! With her help, we’ll be able to move forward with our plans at a much more rapid pace.

BUT WAIT - there’s more! While we were reviewing applications for our coder, we were also discussing something we’ve wanted to take on for a while: expanding the admin team. Frankly, Nine Lives is too massive for just three of us to handle on our own anymore. We needed a fourth. So we reached out for recommendations and then considered our options. After many lengthy discussions, we’re incredibly pleased to announce to you all that AlannasTara has been promoted from Challenge/Chat Moderator to a full fledged Administrator of Nine Lives! She turns the Trio of Terror into the Fantastic Four and will help bring Nine Lives into the next stages of awesomeness.

Welcome aboard to both of you! We’re excited to see our team grow as our archive evolves.

We’ve got something that you’ll all hopefully be very excited about coming at you tomorrow and soon there will be challenges headed your way! Gear up, folks - it’s hiatus time and that means it’s the Summer Survival Series! Stay tuned, stay frosty and, in the meantime, congratulate our newest NL staffers!

As always: Caryl on…

--FM, Ikkles and Subs on April 29, 2017 11:49am 1 Comments

I really like to read about more people getting on board. I'm all about diversifying and inclusivity. That's what make a community. Congrats to all!

- NotEnoughTimeOnMyHands on April 29, 2017 5:05pm