May Writers Chat: How to keep those feels alive when canon isn’t happening

Image result for ship in the fog

To ship is to have feels. We invest ourselves in characters because they bring out emotions in us that we love to feel. If we are lucky, they are paired together and we can bask in the glow of their eternal bliss. There are times, however, when no matter how good and right a couple may seem for each other, the powers that be seem to disagree. What’s a shipper to do? How do you keep your heart eyes thriving? That’s what we’re here to discuss.

We want to know how you continue to keep hope alive even when shows give you little in return. Do you re-watch your favorite scenes and analyze their meanings? Thumb through some favorite fics or attempt to write your own? Branch out into AU territory with your best pairing and see where it goes? Whether it's through words, art, or fan videos, we want to hear what keeps your shipping vibes alive. Join us for the next writers chat on Thursday, May 3, 10 PM Eastern Time. Bring your questions, ideas, and imagination.

Have suggestions for a future chat topic on Nine Lives? Send a PM to jaibhagwan, kaoscraze82, or whoswhatsitwhich with writing topics you'd like to discuss. We'd love to hear your thoughts. Our goal is to motivate you to keep writing!

--kaoscraze82, whowhatsitwhich, jaibhagwan on April 27, 2018 10:12am 0 Comments