October 2018 Member of the Month: icanstopanytime

Wow, it's October already? Time to announce an new Member of the Month - congratulations to icanstopanytime!

Thank you!

1.) Favorite Fanfiction Authors? I first made my way over here because of one of Trogdor19's stories, but I've since found many other authors to enjoy, including silversundown, correnfw, and more.

2.) Favorite fanfictions in last 12 mos? My favorite fic that I've completed reading recently is Hers to Love, His to Protect 

3.) Favorite fic trope? "Friends to lovers," but I suppsoe that's kind of par for the course for Caryl...

4.) What would you like to see more of, or what haven’t you seen in a fic that you would like to see?  I'd love to see more non-AU stories set in the ZA and more or less within the strictures of canon. I understand the preference for writing AU given where the show is going, but I'd like to see more set within the world of the show. I'd also like to see more post-series stories and more "missing scenes" filling in the gaps within the show.   

5.) What made you start shipping Caryl?  For me, it was definitely that Cherokee rose scene when he brings her the flower and explains its significance. When I first started watching the Walking Dead, I did so a few seasons after it started airing and binge watched season 1-3. In that particular scene, as a new viewer, I already, that early on, got the impression that Daryl was falling in love with Carol.  In that scene, they were two very broken people with similar stories who seemed they could find comfort in one another, and their relationship appeared to be developing from there....So I was pretty dissapointed later when it seemed the writers just dropped that angle and stopped developing their relationship. 

--subversivegrrl, alannastara, ikkleosu on October 01, 2018 9:09am 0 Comments