Team Fluff & Angst Official Chats

Rightyho Team Fluffinator, 

The first official chats will take place on Wed 29 April at 8pm EST and Fri 1 May 10pm EST (if you need help working out what that is in your local time, drop me a PM!) in the NL chat room. 

Friday will be the main chat to organise a Team Captain, decide if the team is dividing into smaller groups and discuss on an overall theme and story. Wednesday's chat is to accommodate those who can't take part in Friday's chat, but please feel free to come to both if you are able. 

Those who can't come to either chat will be able to get a transcript from both chats by PMing me afterwards. 

ALL Team Fluffy members are equally important, and we want everyone's input, so if you can't make it please drop me a PM to give your opinions on the matters discussed.

Team Angst members will be bustled out of the chatroom during these times by burly security guards. ;)

Note from FM: Hey! Who are you calling 'burly'?!

EDIT 4/29/15: HEY TEAM ANGST! Your team chats are Thursday April 30 at 4pm EST and Saturday May 2 at 9pm EST. Same guidelines as the Team Fluff chats posted above. Be there or be square!

--Ikkleosu on April 28, 2015 10:01pm 1 Comments

Even li'l ol' me, the team advisor? *bats eyelashes and tries to look harmless*

- subversivegrrl on April 29, 2015 6:54pm