[Reviews - 29] Liked

Daryl brings Carol some food, and some hope. Set on a watch platform, in Alexandria, sometime in S6.

Rated: M
Categories: Season 6
Characters: Carol Peletier, Daryl Dixon
Genres: Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Porn w/ Plot, Romance
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 3 Completed: No
Word count: 5282 Read: 2751
Published: March 07, 2016 Updated: April 13, 2016

Print or Download Story: Printer Microsoft Word ePub eBook

1. 1. by Equuleus86 [Reviews - 15] Liked (1751 words)

BAM! Son-of-a.

This little fic exists in a world where the whole ghastly Tobin storyline doesn't exist. Mainly because I still haven't watched the ep, and I'm not sure I can just yet. Anyway, this is angst, but I promise you there is more coming and you will forgive me, because unlike SOME, I think this shit through and don't pull random rabbits out of my arse.

I love you all my little ducks. I'll never let you down.


I will also sail on the good ship USS Caryl until I have more barnacles than Davy Jones. Eff you Gimple, you don't deserve them.

"I've waited a hundred years, I'd wait a million more, for you..."


2. 2. by Equuleus86 [Reviews - 8] Liked (2079 words)

This one is a great big tartan-clad hug to all of you, especially if you're struggling right now. You're not alone <3

Thanks to everyone reading,reviewing or even lurking.


3. Chapter 3 by Equuleus86 [Reviews - 6] Liked (1452 words)

Okay folks, sorry this has taken so long, but here is part 3 for anyone who is interested!! Hope you like, but if not tough cookies ;)

Disclaimer: I dont own these characters, but blimey if I did they'd be having alll the sex.